Nicaragua: From Matt Reist

Nicaragua: From Matt Reist

Wow!! That was the first thing that came out of my mouth as we drove away from the airport when we first arrived, when I first saw the church we were going to be working on, and when I took my first step up to the top of the scaffolding on the second floor. There are...

Week 2 at kids camp at Kahquah

Hello again!!! Sorry I have not been able to blog as much as I had wanted to. It has been crazy busy for us up here! Not to mention when I was going to blog I spent my time at the hospital, nurse’s office, or icing my foot.… Read...

Hello From Camp Kahquah!

Hey everyone! So today is our 3rd full day at camp and it has been awesome! Its been a little chilly but we have all packed and are ready for the cool. Yesterday was pretty fun because the returning staff got to make lists of what makes a good and a bad cabin leader....