Communities at peace: Communities that work together can resolve the most stubborn problems.
“How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony.”
Psalm 133:1
“Mordecai the Jew became the prime minister, with authority next to that of King Xerxes himself. He was very great among the Jews, who held him in high esteem, because he continued to work for the good of his people and to speak up for the welfare of all their descendants.”
Esther 10:3
• Praise God for who He is
• Confess your sinfulness and need for cleansing
• Allow His Spirit to draw you near
• Listen as He speaks to you
• Put it in the hearts of the people to desire peace and resist conflict and violence
• Give community leaders wisdom to resolve conflicts in their communities
• Burden the churches to become more involved in their communities
• Restrain Satan from creating divisions in the community
• Cause media to report on positive developments in communities
• Help law enforcement find and convict thosewho break the laws and destroy communities
• Help communities develop effective ways to help troubled youth
• Thank God for hearing you
• Trust that God is at work to accomplish His will
Optional Readings
James 3:17-18