A couple of people have recently sent me an email to a website promoting with an interesting approach to evangelism. Here is the info that was sent to me:
“Remember all the fuss last year over the Atheist Bus Campaign poster on the side of a single streetcar? Next Thursday the Bus Stop Bible Studies Get the Word out! The campaign kicks off with the posting of 40 displays on the sides of streetcars in downtown Toronto, with 20 different ‘God Questions’. We have launched a brand new website www.answerme.ca as the focus of the campaign, helping people to find answers to those God Questions. For the younger, tech-savvy generation we have also launched a mobile website www.jc1.ca. The website is located at www.busstopbiblestudies.com.
What do you think of this idea? Is this an overreaction to what the promoters of atheism did last year or is this a case of Christian shrewdness?
Let me know what you think. Just click on the “comments” below and leave your comments. All comments are welcome.