This cartoon made me think of the verses in the book of James 2:15-16 where it says, “Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, ‘Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well’—but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do?” I think this is meant to be a rhetorical question. It doesn’t do the person any good. Like the comic, we can’t believe that we love people if it does not affect our actions. The Bible teaches that love is action.
During CONNECT we have had some great sermons that have challenged us to consider the obstacles and opportunities in experiencing community and fellowship in the body of Christ. It is my hope that this Sunday, the last Sunday of CONNECT, to provide a challenge that leaves us with some firm direction of how we can carry forward a commitment to loving other people after the 40 Day Adventure comes to an end.
I hope you will be with us for the last Sunday of CONNECT. Don’t forget we will announce the winners of the CONNECT Challenge this Sunday. The winners get VIP seating in the sanctuary and I will personally serve them coffee and timbits. It will be a lot of fun. Don’t forget that there will be winners based on how long you have attended the church. So even if you are new to the church you still might be one of the winners.
If you haven’t played the CONNECT Challenge click on the link on the top of this page and take the CONNECT Challenge. The deadline for the CONNECT Challenge is Friday.
You won’t want to miss the service on Sunday. See you then.