This week has been crazy so far and there’s lots to tell you about. First of all Matt C and Quinn left for their canoe trip today with some of the LITs. There were too many LITs to go in one trip so some are going today and then some are going the last week. Josh is one of those going on the second trip, so he is cabin leading this week. Matt R, Amanda and Tiffany are all also cabin leading this week too like normal. And I’m still on the beach lifeguarding.
Despite all of that being pretty normal for the second week of kids camp, there’s been a lot going on that is far from normal. Matt R is still on crutches recovering from his sprained ankle, so he is finding this week rather difficult trying to hobble around and not being able to participate at the level he normally would. Amanda has also had a rather difficult week, but with her campers. One of her kids came off the bus crying (never a good start) and has since then had trouble interacting with the cabin – but that situation does seem to be slowly improving. Josh has a very difficult child in his cabin, but has been very patient with this kid.
The crazyness of my own week has started with this same difficult camper that Josh has in his cabin. While doing swim tests on Sunday my responsibility is to explain the rules and procedures of waterfront – one of which being how we use the airhorn to communicate in an emergency. So I had the airhorn out to show the children, and this specific child managed to sneak into the beach and blow the airhorn. Luckily he only blew it once (which just is for getting attention) and not two or three times (which would send the entire camp running to a specific location). So this kid and myself had a nice little chit chat after that incident.
My crazy week continued this afternoon as I had to help put a child on a spinal board after she feel from a small height and was complaining about worsening neck and head pains. We took her to the hospital and she ended up being alright, but it was a tense situation for a while there. It was the first time I have dealt with a major emergency, but after the girl left with the paramedics I was pretty sure she was going to be ok.
Last week was great. The kids were awesome and so funny. About 20 children accepted Christ as their Saviour that week. So all in all it was a great week – a huge praise! This week has been a little discouraging. The staff are either hurt, sick or tired – or a combination of all three, and the behavioural problems of the children just make the week that more difficult. So our prayer requests this week simply involve strength, health, wisdom and strength for all the staff, but especially the cabin leaders. You can also pray that the crazyness of this week would calm down just a bit so we can enjoy the rest of this week a little more. Thanks so much for all your prayers, it really does help!!!
This week hasn’t been all bad though. There’s been lots of fun times and I think the kids are having a great time. This week there have been a lot of competitions between cabin leaders and the kids really love these – I’ll try to get some pictures of the crazy things they have to do. The weather has also been beautiful – not quite as hot as last week, which is also a huge blessing.
One more update before I end this blog. Our group of Westheights kids is growing as Jenna Winger is up here now. She is babysitting Steff’s little guy Spencer (Steff is directing), and then she will participate in the CREW program for the following two weeks. Its exciting to have more of our friends from home join us up here. Thanks again for all your support and we’ll try to update you again soon!
Thanks for keeping us up to date. Hope Matt is feeling better and I’m sure the campers will realize how lucky they are with Amanda 🙂
Give them a hug for me, will you?