Sorry that it’s been so long since I last blogged. This week was really busy for me. Two of my friends from camp were program directing for the first time every last week, so I spent much of my evenings off helping them with games, or participating with the children in campfires and undergrounds (our worship sessions). I thoroughly enjoyed having so many kids from our church up here last week. One of my favourite moments was from near the end of the week when I helped a friend out by doing power point for the worship during underground, and was able to spend the time worshipping with some of the girls from Westheights. I love any opportunity I get to worship with children because I feel that they have such a joyful and uninhibited worship style that God must love so much. It always challenges me to ensure that I am worshipping God with everything I have in everything I do.
But ya, this whole last week was incredible, filled with so many memories. Some I will never forget, like watching Josh and Matt R trying to shake ping pong balls out of a Kleenex box attached to their rear end. Some I wouldn’t mind if I forgot though – like the THREE times I saw my brother in a dress this week. For some reason he always jumps at the opportunity to wear a dress whether it’s for a campfire skit or a lunch dress up challenge. I also got shown the funny face that Jordan Slater makes when he’s climbing the wall but doesn’t want to touch one of the grips because it looks like a fish – so funny! And Amanda is so in the cabin leading mindset that when it’s her day off she still refers to the group of people around to her as “girls” the way she would to her cabin. I’ll also never forget Katie and Emylea Wiens faces as I told them that I wanted them to hug “every single person at church” for me – I’m not quite sure they were fond of the idea, but to my church family know that I am sending you all hugs 😉
We’re all having such a great time and it’s a little bit sad to think that this is our last week of kids camp. For Matt R, Amanda, Josh B, Quinn and Tiffany this will be there last week on staff. Despite being the last week our group of Westheights kids continues to grow. Josh Winger has joined us on staff and Kiana Lee is up as a camper. The guys are excited because Josh W is cabin leading with Quinn and Matt R is cabin leading with Matt C – poor children (just joking). But after the first day of this last week everyone seems to be having a great time and really excited for this last week.
The summer has gone by so fast. As you can imagine after 3 weeks of serving children for 6 days straight, we’re all getting pretty tired. Just pray that we can get the energy we need to pour into these kids for one last week. Continue to pray for physical safety and good health (a lot of the staff are coming down with infections or some kind of sickness) as well as emotional and spiritual encouragement. We can also pray for the second group of LITs (including Josh B) who are going to be heading out on their canoe trip this week – that they will have a great and safe time. And probably my biggest request is that the children’s lives will be changed this week – as we get the older kids they come with more and more spiritual or emotional baggage and I just desire for them to be able to leave all that baggage at camp as they get to know Jesus in a new and real way.
Thanks again for praying for us! I hope to update my blogs more often this week. We hope you guys back home are having a great summer too.
The matts…. are counselling… Together?!? Those boy are in for an “interesting” experience. Jk, that cabin is gonna kick butt!