Over 500,000 people currently receive daily Bible versus on Twitter. Talk about convenient!

There are quite a variety of “verse generating services” available. Some services provide different translations, or provide verses related to a given topic (e.g. inspiration, exultation, worship), and some focus on specific books of the Bible (e.g. Psalms, Proverbs). Some add commentary or interpretations. Links are provided at the end to many of these free services.


A number of these services provide one verse per day (usually 7 days per week). Some provide multiple verses throughout each day. Other services provide a verse less frequently (every few days or per week).

People using different frequencies:

  • 111,000 people receive multiple verses per day
  • 196,000 people receive one verse per day
  • 93,000 people receive one verse every few days or weeks
  • 12,000 people receive the “read the Bible in a year” tweets
  • 103,000 people receive verses mixed with other content
  • 30,000 people receive commentary or interpretations

For a total of 545,000 people receiving regular Bible related tweets on Twitter (and growing).

Read the Bible in a Year

Five services provide multiple verses per day (in a single tweet) in a manner that allows you to read the entire Bible in one year.

Unusual Options

I found a few “unique” Bible verse services such as:

  • Summarizing the Bible, one tweet per chapter, one chapter per day. A guy in London is summarizing each chapter using only 140 characters! This just started on August 8th with Genesis 1:1.
  • Daily verses which contain exactly 6 words, saying that these verses are easier to remember.
  • “Today’s Date in the Bible” is a unique feed – the verse will correspond with the date. Jan 1st (1/1) = John 1:1 & (3/8) = 2 Pet 3:8.
  • Daily reminders of the Ten Commandments.

Some History

I was doing some research recently and found a reference to a “daily Bible verse” service on Twitter. I thought that this would be an excellent way to receive regular verses, and looked to see how many such services might exist on Twitter. After a bit of digging, I had gathered over 100 Twitter accounts that either provided Bible verses, or a hybrid of content that included verses, or Bible software that also tweeted daily verses. At that point I thought, “Why don’t I make a list of these services and share it with others via a blog posting.” And that is where this post came from.

The entries in the below chart are a subset of the accounts I found. I tried to select services that appeared to be active (some had stopped tweeting, perhaps just for the summer?), others included advertising or other unrelated “chatter” so I didn’t include them (the list was getting long). However, please note that the entries on the list are not “approved,” researched, necessarily the best, or guaranteed for anything — your mileage may vary. They are just a simple list of some of the Bible related services, good or bad, that were found on Twitter and which seem to generate a tweet at least once per weekday.

Bible Verse Twitter Accounts

Follow any that might be interesting or beneficial. Links should open in a new window. (You will need a Twitter account to follow them.)

Frequency Topic Twitter Accounts
Multiple Per Day All @Bible4U @BibleMessages @GetUpWithGod @GreatBibleVerse(BAP) @PrayerBullets @ScriplyFeed(SB) @TopBibleVerses(BAP) @Twipture
Psalms @DailyPsalms(SB)
Proverbs @Daily_Proverbs @ProverbsFeed(SB)
One Per Day All @1Bible @aBibleVerse(NIV) @Bible2Bible(KJV) @Daily_Bible @Daily_Manna @Daily_Verse(paraphrased) @DailyBible(NIV) @DailyBibleV @DailyVerseTweet @ESVdaily(ESV) @GiantJesus @NLTverse(NLT) @TheBibleDaily
Exultation @VofD
Inspiration @TheBibleVerse
Psalms @WorshipWord
The Commandments @TheCommandments
Worship @Worship365
Today’s Date in the Bible @TDinB
Interpretations @BibleSummary (1 tweet per chapter per day) @Biblword
Read the Bible in a Year (One Per Day) All @66_Books @BibleDailyWord @One_Year_Bible(ESV) @OneYearBible(NASB) @OneYearBibleOl


Versions of the Bible listed in the above chart:

  • BAP = Bible As Poetry, New Testament only
  • ESV = English Study Version (Study Bible)
  • KJV = King James Version
  • NASB = New American Standard Bible
  • NIV = New International Version
  • NLT = New Living Translation
  • SB = Scriply Bible

Here is a link to my “Twitter List” of the Bible verse accounts (raw list in random order, excluding hybrid & software accounts, some appear inactive).

If you know of any other good Bible verses accounts, please add them in a comment below. Thanks!