The Westheights children will be serving as “ministers” at Forest Heights Long Term Care Centre on Sunday, December 5. It has been such a privilege for our children and leaders to have the occasion to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our neighbours next door at Forest Heights Long Term Care Centre. For the past 2 Christmases (as well as once in the spring) Finders Keepers kids not only accepted the invitation, but demonstrated a sincere desire to follow Jesus by doing what He did: by connecting with and loving on an amazing community of seniors—a group who have so much to give to us, but who can often be misunderstood, ignored or forgotten. This Christmas, the children will once again have the unique opportunity to be worship leaders, teachers, pastors, and fellow-worshippers as they lead a Sunday service at Forest Heights. The children will serve as “ministers” as they:
• bless the residents • lead in worship
• read scripture • tell Bible stories or share stories of faith
• inspire worship moments • teach and encourage by sharing mini-sermons
Those who are comfortable may also have a chance to talk with or pray with residents.
Please look for a permission form downstairs at the Hub, and let us know that your “SKer and up” is able to attend the service at Forest Heights on December 5, from 10:20 to 11:15. We will meet at 9:30 in Finders Keepers Central to rehearse the order of the service before we walk to the centre.
(Upon returning, children will meet with their On Your Mark! leaders for a shorter small group time, with the usual dismissal time of 11:45.)
All participating children will be songleaders—singing familiar worship songs and carols learned during our weekly large-group sessions.
Involvement in other parts of the service may involve rehearsal at home, and/or extra rehearsals, which will take place on Sundays at noon during the months of October and November. Below is a list of ways that your child may choose to participate. Choose one or more areas of interest, and stay tuned for a schedule of who’s rehearsing, and when…!
For Participants in SK through Grade 2
My child has also agreed to attend special rehearsals so that he/she may participate in (check all that apply):
__a scripture reading
__ story telling (dramatic reading)
__sharing a personal faith story
__a worship moment involving percussion instruments (such as tambourine, shakers, or rhythm sticks)
__a worship moment involving instrument play (such as bells or boom-whackers)
For Participants in Grade 3 and Up
My child has also agreed to attend special rehearsals so that he/she may participate in (check all that apply):
__a scripture reading
__sharing a personal faith story
__a worship moment involving creative movement (with scarves, ribbons, fabric)
__a worship moment involving creative movement (with dowel rods)
__drama—tableau or mime (no speaking parts)
__a mini-sermon
Loving Our Neighbours: “Go and do likewise.” (Luke 10:37)
October 24
12:00-1:15 pm—Creative Movement with Dowels-“God Rod Team”
October 31
12:00-1:15pm—Creative Movement with Scarves-“Dance Team”
November 7
10:45-11:45am—Reader’s Theatre Team
12:00-1:15pm—Creative Movement with Scarves-“Dance Team”
November 14
11:00-11:45am—Percussion Team and Bells Team
12:00-1:15pm—Creative Movement with Dowels-“God Rod Team”
November 21
11:00-11:45am—Percussion Team and Bells Team
12:00-1:15pm—Creative Movement with Dowels-“God Rod Team”
November 28
11:00-11:45am—Percussion Team and Bells Team
12:00-1:15pm—Reader’s Theatre Team
December 5
10:20-11:15am—Service at Forest Heights LLTC
Charlene: Sounds good. A question: Could you please put the Dec 5th 9:30am practice, and other practices as they get defined, onto the “Westheights Children’s Event” online calendar, so they are easy to follow? (thanks)