Hey everyone. So this is the second discussion on the core values of the Brethren in Christ. This week we actually had a games night, which was awesome, so I figured that on the blog we could discuss the core value which was actually missed. So it would have been a couple weeks ago now that we talked about what is actually the first core value of the B.I.C, which reads like this. “We value the free gift of salvation in Christ Jesus and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.” During the meeting we talked about how Jesus offers salvation (life with him now, and life in heaven) through grace, (a free gift made possible through his sacrifice). This is a value which runs through just about every denomination of the Christian Church. But here’s some questions I want to ask you guys.
1) How does the “transforming power of the holy spirit” have anything to do with grace?
2) How do you think the Christian church does at what I call “living out grace?”
So secondary question. When do you think that we end up dropping the ball on showing grace to people. Jesus was constantly criticized for hanging out with ‘tax collectors and sinners’ because they were looked down upon or rejected in his context. Here’s a question. Is there anyone you’re criticized for hanging out with? Or, what would those people look like in our context?
Games night WAS a lot of fun!
1) David, I like what you said. I think the transforming power of the Holy Spirit is how God continually demonstrates his grace to us as we live out our Christian lives. Grace isn’t just something we receive when we choose to follow Christ; grace is the gift that keeps on giving. The Holy Spirit is God’s gift to us, and the Spirit enables us to live our lives through Christ (even though we still mess up). Not sure if that made sense!
2) Yeah, I agree that the church can often fall short when it comes to living out grace. Too often we can become judgmental of each other and of people outside of the church, forgetting that it’s by grace that we’ve been saved. I’m an optimist, though, and I think that we’re becoming more aware of this double standard.
Games night was a blast! Though I guess winning cards made it that much more fun 😉
1) The use of the word transforming seems to me to highlight the fact that we all are sinners or fallen. Also in this context of the holy spirit it highlights that this transformation is not possible by our strength alone!
2) As for how the “church” does in “living out grace” I think we fall far short much of the time. My feelings also seem to be reflected in our culture as well. A lot of the time people in general see the church as judgmental, which is the opposite of what we are called to do when showing or acting in grace/understanding.
Just a couple of quick thoughts of my own. 🙂