So this week’s core value is about worship. It reads like this. “We value heartfelt worship to God that is God-honoring, Spirit-led, and life-changing.” It’s unfortunate, but the discussion on worship has been dominated by the debate over style as long as I’ve been alive.Maybe we can break the barriers a little, and concentrate on why these three points in the core value are important. So here’s some ideas to get you thinking.
– What needs to be present in order for worship to be God honoring?
– What is the difference between “spirit led’ and “over emotional? Is it safe to assume a difference?
– Have you ever thought about worship as being a life-changing act? Have you ever experienced this?
Feel free to go off on tangents, that’s what this is for.
Hrmm.. interesting..
Can I throw in my two cents?
In point form.. what needs to be present for worship?
* You
* Your heart
* Your soul
* the Holy spirit.
Difference between being spirit filled and over emotional so to speak? Not much… But with being spirit filled every one reacts differently. For example: I get weepy with joy when engaged in worship through music, but I wouldn’t say I get “overemotional. I mean.. I”m not a crying wreck or anything.. LOL!!. I’d say.. i get more spiritually overwhelmed! LOL If there was any difference, I’d say with being spirit filled, you’re also filled with an unspeakable joy! 🙂
Is worship life changing? you bet it is! Every time you engage in it it’s lifechanging.. It’s like recharging your spiritual batteries! : )