Parents, the countdown is on! Our final rehearsal for the service at Forest Heights Long Term Care Centre begins at 9:30 sharp this Sunday (Dec. 5)! Please come 5-10 minutes early for washroom breaks and settle-in time…We plan to rehearse until 10:15, when we’ll make our way over to the care centre. Can’t wait to be a part of what God is doing in the lives of the residents and staff–and experiencing a faith-boost as we depend on God to work through us and in us!
Yahoo! New news: Our SK-Grade 5 groups have been invited to join the adult worship team on the morning of Sunday, Dec. 19, to lead in worship with a couple of songs they’ve been rehearsing through the fall. All children who rehearsed for and attended the Christmas Service at Forest Heights are eligible to participate in this worship service at Westheights…Jr Highs, we need you too!
So that we can spend some time in the auditorium/sanctuary at Westheights showing the children where they will be leading on Dec. 19th, please allow the children to stay for an extra 10-15 minutes after the service this Sunday (Dec. 5). After we return from the care centre, and when the service at Westheights finishes, we’ll sneak upstairs to have a look at the stage and get a glimpse of where the grown-ups have Big Church! (Maybe you can take avantage of the time to relax with a coffee and connect with other parents?) We’ll hike it back down to Finders Keepers Central for the usual pickup time–unless of course the service ends late…
And we’re asking for your support one more time! On Dec. 19th, participating children will need to arrive by 9:30am to practise with the adult worship team, as they will be accompanying us live! The Creative Movement Teams (Dance and Dowels) in particular will need to rehearse spacing and routines. (These 2 teams will need to wear their black/navy tops and bottoms again!)
Shhh! I’m going to surprise the kids with our news on Sunday…Keep praying for your budding leaders! And thanks for being there to coach them through these meaningful experiences.