WORSHIP FULLY (Devon Wagler)

I often wonder about the concept of ‘worshipping fully,’ even if I don’t think about it in such terms.  For me, as with many other people, my mind pretty much goes straight to music when I think about worshipping fully.  I’ve had so many incredible worship experiences since I started following Jesus at age 17.  That kind of true worship seems to really put you in your place before God.  I think that the thing that remains constant in all those incredible experiences is the fact that they always show how incredible God is, and how small I am next to him, and yet how he loves me so much despite the difference.

But how do we take this mentality into the rest of life?  The story of the magi is an incredible one.  This is a story of a group of people who traveled across the known world in order to worship something they didn’t fully understand. There was no emotional music or sermon and no altar call, they just knew that they needed to do it.

I’ve been growing in my prayer life to the point that I would call ‘fuller worship’.  I think that at Christmas it’s hard simply to find the time or place in order to have this intimate time with Christ. But ultimately, the nativity story is about people who did just that.


Micah 5:2-4

Challenge (by Devon Wagler)

Bethlehem was not just a small city, it was a village of little note. In fact, the only thing important about Bethlehem to the Israelites was the fact that the Messiah would come from there.

We are constantly bombarded with the message to take care of things which we don’t care about.  Take some time today to work out how you can invest in those seemingly unimportant but extra-important things every day leading up to Christmas.


“Jesus is not with us in body, he’s with us in Spirit.  He’s risen, but He’s also here, in ways that transcend language, and so reflect on this for a season, turning your radar to the divine presence in every moment of every day.”
(Rob Bell)