Parents, Grandparents and Significant Grown-Ups of infants and toddlers:  The first-ever Infant-Toddler Take-It-Home Event, FAITH AT HOME is here!

Let’s talk together about how we at Westheights can best partner with you to support the spiritual development of your child–from babe to young adulthood!

Take-It-Home Events are opportunities for your family to worship, learn and celebrate faith together.

When? Sunday, January 30, 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Where? Finders Keepers Central (lower level)

Join us for brunch-y mid-morning fare…

Please note: You and your infant/toddler are welcome to join us from 10:30 to 10:55 for Coffee-Connect and On Your Mark! large-group time…Volunteers will then be ready to receive your child in the Nursery or Toddler Room, so that you can return to Finders Keepers Central for morning munchies and some inspiring Take-It-Home teaching and talks…Please RSVP to let us know you’ll be there!

519.741.1986 x803