Hey there, families of Grade 2’s and 3’s! You’re invited!
Your Take-It-Home Event, Diving Deep: Exploring the Bible as a Family is coming up this Sunday!
When? February 13th at 10:30 am
Where? Finders Keepers Central
What to prep: Prep? Yes, there’s homework for parents! But no worries, it’s the warm and fuzzy fun kind!
If you’re not familiar with Take-It-Home Events, please join us and find out what the “faith at home” movement is all about! Your child’s Take-It-Home Event is a once-a-year opportunity for your family to do church together, and to take home some skills, ideas, and motivating ways to live out your faith as a family…
Come on down to sign your child in, and send him/her off to the Orange and Backyard Groups for a quick snack while you enjoy some coffee and connecting in Finders Keepers Central. Then particpate with us as we Dive Deep! and get excited about how relevant and powerful the Bible really is!
We’ll be serving a (no cost) pizza lunch at 11:45, so please RSVP charleneneuman@westheights.org to let us know which members of your family will be coming. Thanks!
***Note that there will be no Grade 2-3 On Your Mark! program at 10:30 on Feb. 13th, and that children attending the Take-It-Home Event should be accompanied by one or more parents/grandparents/guardians or grown-up friends!***