“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:10


As with all of the beatitudes, this verse is not a prerequisite for entering the kingdom of God. If that were the case then persecution, torture, and even martyrdom might be seen as necessary to gain entrance into heaven. Jesus is talking to those who are persecuted because they follow God … a persecution against righteousness. When He says that ‘theirs is the kingdom of heaven,’ He uses a present tense word, meaning that theirs is the kingdom now! He is giving an unprecedented amount of hope and relief to those who are suffering for righteousness. They experience the kingdom in the present.

Although it is true that we don’t often face the physical danger that Christians do in other parts of the world, and it is unfair to compare the two, ‘being persecuted for righteousness’ is still a real experience for all of us. If you are feeling put down for your faith, check to make sure that it is because of your righteousness and not for being overbearing, judgmental, or ill tempered. Your transparent walk with God acts as a silent rebuke to those who reject your relationship with God.


  • Praise God for who He is
  • Confess your sinfulness and need for cleansing
  • Allow His Spirit to draw you near
  • Listen as He speaks to you


  • Pray that God will help us to endure persecution for righteousness
  • Pray that God helps us to live lives worthy of this calling


  • Thank God for hearing you
  • Trust that God is at work to accomplish His will


What’s happening around us?

To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide.  TWLOHA exists to inform, encourage, inspire and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery.

There are many ways to get involved including organizing a fundraiser, joining the TWLOHA Street Team (a platform for people who want to help promote TWLOHA and be part of the solutions, conversations, and events happening in their part of the world), buying their merchandise (how they raise the majority of their support) and more.