You’d like to make a difference, you say? How about being important in the life of child, even for one hour, or one summer?
Summer Sundays at On Your Mark! are relaxed, casual and packed with worship, learning and friendship building!…Sure, we could write off the summer months with a low-maintenance, low-impact program…Or we could believe that God wants to work significantly in us and in the lives of our children with every single hour we spend with them!
Here’s the thing…In order to keep building faith and building relationships all year long, it’s essential that we give a well-deserved break to as many of our September-June volunteers as possible…So we need your help!
Would you consider taking a volunteer role this summer at On Your Mark!? We’re on the search for leaders and assistants for our Preschool-SK and Grade 1-5 programs. We’re looking forward to some challenging and fun media-based lessons (Preschool-SK: I Can Follow God and Bible Superheroes, and Grade 1-5: The Ten Commandments) with minimal prep for leaders and no prep for assistants…
Don’t miss this chance to join the fun! Come for one Sunday, for the entire summer of Sundays, or for any number of Sundays in between!
On Your Mark! Preschool and Elementary groups meet from 10:30 to 11:30 am during the months of July and August. Contact for more info, or to volunteer.