You know the carnival was a huge hit when we receive unsolicited community feedback, days after the event! Following are two neighbours who wanted to send a message to our great Team Westheights.
Phone message left at the church: “My family – myself, my wife, and 4 children – really enjoyed your free family carnival this past weekend. It was excellent. My sister-in-law, who we had been praying for, for awhile, suggested we come, not mentioning it was a church thing. I think she had invited us last year, too, but we already had plans, not knowing it was a church thing either. But then we arrived this year and we realized, ‘Wow, this is a really cool thing that you’re doing with the Christian music, giving away lots of free stuff, showing God’s love to the people in the community.’ We thought, ‘Man, this is so amazing what they’re doing.’ So I’m very thankful for you and what God is doing through you. We’re thankful also to the Fire Department and what they did because I heard that they’re not allowed to come to a lot of events unless people encourage their bosses to say, ‘Yes, this is something we really care about.’ That was a cool thing. And all the people who worked hard at the carnival … I’m very thankful to God for everything that you’re doing and it showed well to my sister-in-law and on our family, as well. God bless you guys.”
Email sent to the church: “New to the area and strolling into your family carnival was a wonderful welcome to the neighbourhood for my son and myself. We had a great time, appreciate all your wonderful gifts and time and information from your fellow member, Nel. She was very kind. And, I wish I had looked at the name tag of the fellow trying to answer my questions and keep up with ice cream hand outs at the same time. Lol. He did a great job too! Again, thank you and we’ll be seeing you again soon! PS… Your choice of music also drew my interest to the church! Very modern and upbeat happy and hopeful! Loved it!