Welcome to the Bible in the British Museum and the British Library; a tour which presents secular corroboration for historic details found in the Old and New Testaments. Paul Kiss, missionary serving in London, UK, presents this virtual tour which will show that when the Bible talks about history, through corroboration of historical data, the Bible passes the historical test.
Date and Time: Friday, October 14 at 7:00 pm
Place: Westheights Community Church, 82 Westheights Drive, Kitchener, ON
Presenter: Paul Kiss
This tour is not designed to prove that the Bible is the ‘Word of God’. Rather, it is designed to look at archaeological, documentary and manuscript evidence to support the historical veracity of the Bible. We do this to prove that the Bible is not a book made up of myths and legends, as many historians suggest, but a book that is historically credible.
Some people may question the importance of this investigation. After all, the Bible never claims to be an historical book. Yet, the Bible does deal with historical material; such as peoples, places, and events.
- People are found in history.
- Places exist in history.
- Events happen in history.
It is on this level that we can investigate it, corroborating those areas which touch history.
Why should we employ a historical critique on the Bible? Historical criticism employs neutral criteria for its investigation, using artefacts, documents, and manuscripts. This physical evidence can be investigated by anyone willing to research. It is such an investigation which stands against biases, one which both sceptics and historians can and do accept.
This (virtual) tour will show that when the Bible talks about history (i.e. peoples, places, and events), it can be examined to see whether those things existed or happened, using neutral, accessible, historical data at our disposal- archaeological artefacts in the British museum2 . Once the Bible passes that historical test, we can then look at the other claims it makes and have greater confidence in those claims.
Any book which contends to be from God, i.e. the book of Mormons, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Upanishads, the Vedas, the Grant Sahib, or the Qur’an, must first pass such a test if they are going to be trusted by the sceptics.