Daily Scripture (Read James 1:19-27)
“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” James 1:27
Daily Devotional—Compassion: Someone Else Will Step In Eventually… Won’t They?
There is a lot of talk these days about bullying in schools and how to help those who are victims. Kids who have suffered are often scarred and end up with low self-esteem. Yet research says they become people who are more compassionate towards others and eager to be an advocate for the weak if they recover.
God often uses the difficulties in our own lives to help us assist others in working through the same pains as we have experienced. How compassionate are you? Are you eager to jump in and help the weak/underdog or are you more likely to let them work things out on their own? Who are you more inclined to help due to your own struggles?
As we read through James 1, we see James rebuke believers for taking the lazy route towards their faith. He urges the church to be advocates for the underdogs in their world and specifically for orphans and widows. He calls the church to not just be hearers of the Word, but doers as well (v. 22). Who do you know who could use an advocate? Perhaps God is calling you to act on their behalf…
James goes on to talk about when you face trials personally. He reminds his audience that facing trials is normal. “As you face trials”….means they are inevitable and to be expected. Through them, he claims, we are to know that God is working to produce character in us, maturity and eventually blessing in our lives. He also warns us to be careful what comes out of our mouths and to be quick to listen. Let’s learn how to be more compassionate with ourselves and with others. A summary of this passage we read today might look like this:
C – connect with someone who needs help
O – be open
M – manage your mouth
P – persevere in trials
A – ask questions
S – find a solution with others
S – speak up and advocate
I – focus on individuals and needs
O – obey what the Holy Spirit says
N – never give up until the job is done
Ask God for our team members to make a significant connection with someone local on their trip and to help them to be more compassionate. Find a way to show more compassion for someone today – maybe someone in your family, a colleague, a friend or a group with specific needs. Keep your eyes open for how God may want to use your past struggles to help others and be ready to jump in and show compassion.
For The Team:
- Having gone through your own trials, how compassionate are you? Are you eager to jump in and help the weak/underdog or are you more likely to let them work things out on their own? Who are you more inclined to help due to your own struggles?
- Ask God for our team members to make a significant connection with someone local on their trip and to help them to be more compassionate.
- Pray that the Nicaraguan believers will teach our missions team a new perspective on adversity.
Sympathy is no substitute for action.
David Livingstone