Daily Scripture (Read Luke 16:10-15)
“But if you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.” Luke 16:10
Faithfulness is not determined by the amount entrusted but by the character of the person who uses it. (NIV footnote for Luke 16:10)
Daily Devotional—Faithfulness: Being Faithful In The Small Things
In Luke 16, Jesus rebuked the Pharisees who were known to love money. He reminded them that God knows the heart and that what is highly valued by men is detestable in God’s mind. List off as many things as you can think of that people currently value. Then consider how strongly you value each one of those things as well.
I made a list. These are the things that came to mind. Leisure, going out, nice things, entertainment, fun, gadgets and comfort. When I was overseas in missions, most of these North American pastimes were out of reach. I found myself being more intentional in my relationships and less tempted to want what I did not have because I saw no advertising for the things I “ought to” want. I learned to cook from scratch and to host large groups of people regularly. I value that time away as a reference point for my current life in Kitchener. I still want those things I learned about to have a prominent role in my life. Still, when I first returned to Canada, I initially was very tempted to want all the things I had gone without. I think a true reflection of character would be to see my appetite for the comforts of life and material desires to have dissipated. But they didn’t diminish as much as I wish they had and I still struggle with knowing “how much is too much?” and how to curb desire for the current comforts of life.
It’s a real testimony of the heart and character to see a person handle both wealth and going without wealth well. Let’s ask God to keep alive the lessons He has taught the team who have been on the trip to Nicaragua. Let’s also ask God to give us as a church body, the integrity and strength to be found faithful in all aspects of our church and private lives. May God continue to trust us with more and more that is of eternal significance as He finds us faithful!
For The Team:
- List off as many things as you can think of that people currently value. Then consider how strongly you value each one of those things as well.
- Discuss the question “how much is too much?” How can we curb the desire for the current North American comforts of life?
- Does the experience of the past two weeks help you in a desire to be a more content person?
- Pray that each team member will be able to re-integrate into normal routines quickly.
- Ask God to keep alive the lessons He has taught the team who have been on the trip to Nicaragua.
- Ask God to give us as a church body, the integrity and strength to be found faithful in all aspects of our church and private lives.