Three announcements related to Kahquah:

  1. Summer camp registrations have come in at an unparalleled rate this year. Algonquin adventure and Summit are now completely full for male campers, and all camps are filling very quickly. If you would like your children to attend this summer, don’t delay! Register online at
  2. Ladies retreat is also filling fast. Gather your girlfriends and register today for a great time of fellowship, growth, and FUN. Retreat dates are April 27-29, and cost is only $115 pp plus HST. Register via email at , or call Nancy at 705-387-3923.
  3. Work/Play/Pray week is June 8-13th this year. Please join us for all or part of this time as we prepare the camp for summer, and pray for protection and blessing on our summer ministries. RSVP to Nancy at , or call the office at 705-387-3923.