Parents, Guardians and any other adults invested in the lives of students who are a part of life here at Westheights. On Thursday, Sept. 6th from 7-9PM join us for our annual Westheights Student Ministry Town Hall!
Every year we’ve set aside a time as leaders to have you ask questions, get new ideas for the new school season and to hear your stories of what the students in our community are up to. While there will be time for that this year, we’d like to focus on renewing our vision for our work with students and begin a process of feedback on a new concept of partnership between parents, adults, students and peers. This new model will help guide our efforts going forward, assist with evaulation, and strengthen our leaders and their work with young people.
Our theme for this year is Organic Discipleship. We’ll be breaking out of the ‘build a Christian’ concept of discipleship and exploring what an integrated, theologically-rich model of developing young people looks like. Our main task is to find out what you, as parents or guardians, need to help you develop the young people in your lives into mature, sustainable followers of Jesus.
As always there will be great food, hot coffee and invigorating conversation. No matter what your connection to students, we highly encourage you to make the time to get to this year’s Westheights Student Ministry Town Hall. Don’t miss out!