HEY, 2ND AND 3RD GRADERS!… BRING YOUR PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS, OR OTHER SIGNIFICANT GROWN-UPS! Your Take-It-Home Event, “Diving Deep: Exploring the Bible As A Family” is here! Sunday, Nov 11!
Take-It-Home Events are opportunities for your family to worship, learn and celebrate your faith together.
When: Sunday, Nov 11, 10:30 a.m.
Where: Kid Central (main room)
RSVP: Email Charlene by clicking here
Gather the whole family and join us for lunch at 11:45! No cost!
There will be no Orange Team (Grade 2-3) On Your Mark! program on Nov 11th; children who attend the Orange Team Take-It-Home Event must attend with one or more parents/guardians/grandparents.
This year’s Grade 2-3 Take-It-Home event, Diving Deep: Exploring the Bible with your Family (on Sunday, November 11th) will give you an opportunity to worship, laugh, and practise ways to make Bible reading meaningful at home. As a special take-home resource–Ah! the Resource of all Resources!–we will be giving each attending child a New International Reader’s Version Bible (a translation created especially for kids aged 6 to 10). In acknowledgment of the fact that you as parents and grandparents are your child’s primary teachers in the area of spiritual development, we’d like for you to give your child the Bible during a special Family Time together at the end of the program. In preparation, please think about what you might like to write inside the Bible, as we will have a time when children will leave for a brief activity (about 10 minutes) while you write something special inside the Bible that you will later present to them.
Whatever you’d like to say from the heart will be just fine! A favourite Scripture verse or a few sentences, or both, would be very appropriate.
Here are some samples that the Take-It-Home team came up with to inspire you. Feel free to use one of them, or to make up something of your own:
Dear (child’s name),
May the powerful words and stories in this amazing book guide and inspire you as you grow in your love for Jesus. May God use it to speak to you as you read it, study it, and learn from it throughout your life.
As you, our child, receive this Holy Book, our prayers will be that you will find wisdom in Proverbs, peace in the Psalms, and promises throughout the Bible. May these words become a “light to your path” as you travel through life.
Dear (child’s name),
This Bible will become a treasure to you over the years.
We pray that God will guide you, and that the Holy Spirit will bring these words to life for you.
Your word is like a lamp that shows me the way.
It is like a light that guides me. Psalm 119:105
What the Lord says is right and true.
He is faithful in everything he does. Psalm 33:4
God has breathed life into all of Scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is true. It is useful for correcting our mistakes. It is useful for making our lives whole again. It is useful for training us to do what is right. 2 Timothy 3:16
I have hidden your word in my heart
so that I won’t sin against you. Psalm 119:11
Just some samples…Even a simple I love you!, signed and dated, or a meaningful family anecdote is most appropriate. Write as much or as little as you’d like. You have about 10 minutes to copy it into the Bible. Bring your idea(s) or notes, and we’ll provide the pens and Bibles!
We as a team pray that you and your family would all become more passionate about the Word of God as you grow in your relationships through your study of the Bible together.
Thank-you!! See you at the Take-It-Home event! Watch out for God-stopping moments!