Have you ever wondered about who changed your life? I almost guarantee that it wasn’t a rockstar, a famous actor or a book you read. For most of us, it was a person who was willing to listen, who told us the truth without being a jerk, and made us feel at home just by being there. Jr. Highs are full of energy, have inquisitive minds and active hearts. They’re looking for people to model following Jesus in a way that makes sense to their world, who speak with truth and love, and long to be with them.
We’re looking for four loving, joyful people who are willing to invest two Sundays a month into the life of a Jr. High. Mentors lead a group of 1-5 kids in discussions about faith, provide a listening ear to their questions and have a lot of fun. I bet you’ll discover all sorts of skills you didn’t know you had!
We’re looking for both male and female mentors, who are at least 16 years old and crazy in love with following Jesus and who are willing to learn to love a group of 11-13 year olds. We’re looking for mentors to commit to six weeks with our students, after which we’d ask you to commit to one year or feel free to bow out. To start the process, email Tom Fenske at tomfenske@westheights.org or call 519-741-1986 ex. 804.