It has been such a privilege for our children, students and Westheights Kids leaders to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our next-door neighbours at Forest Heights Long Term Care Centre.
We’re excited to have been invited back to lead a 6th Sunday service–encouraging the residents, leading in worship, reading Scripture, telling stories, sharing worship moments and mini-sermons!
We count this a unique and rare opportunity—a demonstration that neither age nor ‘disability’ bars us as Christ-followers from being co-worshippers, as well as worship leaders, teachers, pastors, and encouragers, as we use our gifts to inspire each other and give glory to God.
Those who are comfortable may also have a chance to talk with or pray with residents—and we fully expect that some residents, as fellow-believers, will pray for, encourage and bless us in return!
What? Palm Sunday Service, March 24, 2013
When? 10:20am to 11:15am (but see rehearsal time below)
Where? Forest Heights Long Term Care Centre, next door to Westheights Church
To sign up: Email ASAP to let us know that your child/student (SK through Grade 12) has your permission to participate in this service, and to indicate his/her areas of interest.
Please note that on the day of, we will meet at 9:30am in Kid Central to rehearse the order of the service before we walk to the centre. There will be no regular On Your Mark! Sunday program. Parents of children in SK-Grade 5 may pick up their children at the usual dismissal time of 11:45.
Involvement in certain parts of the service may involve rehearsal at home, and/or extra rehearsals, which will take place on Sundays at noon in late January, in February and in March. Stay tuned for a schedule of who’s rehearsing, and when. (We will try to accommodate if you know well ahead of time that your child/student won’t be able to make a rehearsal.) If there are not enough interested children/students to form a particular rehearsal group, we will let you know how that activity will be modified (or if it needs to be cancelled).
Feel free to cut and paste any of the following, as it applies, into the email message:
(Name of child, SK-Grade 5) has my permission to attend the service at Forest Heights Long Term Care on Sunday, March 24. I am aware that he/she will lead by singing familiar On Your Mark! worship songs with the group, and that bringing my child to On Your Mark! regularly on Sundays will help him/her to feel more confident as a leader. On Sunday, March 24, I will bring my child to the final rehearsal at 9:30 am in Kid Central.
(Name of student, Grade 6-12) has my permission to attend the service at Forest Heights Long Term Care on Sunday, March 24. I am aware that he/she may need to attend extra rehearsals and/or practice his/her parts at home in order to be ready to participate. He/she plans to attend the final rehearsal at 9:30 am in Kid Central on Sunday, March 24.
My child/student has also agreed to practice at home and/or attend special rehearsals so that he/she may participate in:
(Include all that apply.)
a scripture reading (traditional or dramatic reading)—all ages
story telling (dramatic reading)—Grade 3 and up
sharing a personal faith story—all ages
a mini-sermon—Grade 6 and up
a worship moment involving percussion instruments (such as tambourine, shakers, or rhythm sticks)—SK-Grade 3
a worship moment involving creative movement (with scarves, ribbons, fabric, or movement only)—Grades 2 to 5
a worship moment involving creative movement (with dowel rods)—Grade 5 and up
drama—tableau or mime (no speaking parts)—Grade 3 and up
Thanks for encouraging your child/student to take on new adventures as they follow Christ!
“Go and do likewise.” ~Jesus (Luke 10:37)