You really needed to put your thinking caps on to work through the IMMERSE Study Guide’s “Just For Fun!” activities, and we were impressed by the number of Westheights enthusiasts who demonstrated that we are really getting to know our Bibles.
The following cryptogram ciphers managed to decipher five really tough cryptograms and earned an IMMERSE water-proof Bible for their efforts:
- Elfriede Hofer
- Cindy Jantzi
- Jason Jantzi
- Rachel Kavanaugh
- Brenda Kumornik
- Kiana Lee
- Chris McElroy
- Meg Slater
- Stacey Willfang
The following IMMERSE enthusiasts participated in our final on-line quiz to earn an IMMERSE Bible! (Two people answered all the questions correctly!)
- Rhianne Byron
- Brenda Kumornik
- Frank Maendel
- Chris McElroy
- Meghan Sider
- Rachel Kavanaugh