1) Undertake a building project to expand the sanctuary seating capacity, the foyer and the children’s facility and
2) To conduct a fund-raising campaign to support the building project.
With the limitation that the project will be returned to the congregational council for re-evaluation if cost estimates based on full-project drawings will exceed $750,000, or if the project is not approved by BIC Canada.
In preparation for the MAY 5th meeting, following is a recap of our Reno Info event.
We want to respond to the opportunity that God has presented to us. So, for the past three years, we have been studying options and preparing for the best way forward for Westheights Community Church. The leaders are now ready to lead with a well thought out plan that allows us to maximize our facility without entering into a high risk debt load. The project has two phases to be completed over the next seven years (by 2020). The words we have chosen to describe our 20/20 vision is greaterthings, based on Jesus’ words in John 14:12.
Is this project worth all the money it costs? It all depends. If our mission is to be a church that’s perfectly designed for the people who already attend, then we don’t need more seats and more kids space. But if we want to continue to be a church that is helping people to find and follow Jesus, then yes, it’s worth it. This is not a “nice to have” option. We don’t want to raise money for, or give money to, something that’s not mission critical. Improving space for children, adding seats through space maximization, and improving accessibility all allow us to stay true to our vision of helping people find and follow Jesus. If this does not help us fulfill our vision then it is not worth it. If it does, it is worth every penny.
Below are details of the greaterthings campaign. The leadership of Westheights believe that the two phases are an aggressive and achievable 20/20 vision for our church.
PHASE 1 – USABILITY – Cost up to $750,000
- Add 75% new classroom space so that a greater number of children and students can be discipled in the life of following Jesus.
- Add 25% more auditorium seats so that a greater number of people can hear the life-changing news of Jesus.
- Double the access in and out of the auditorium and increase foyer space by 65% for a greater opportunity to begin relationships and make connections.
- Provide the same opportunity to a local church in Nicaragua by allocating $30,000 over 3 years for our short-term missions teams.
PHASE 2 – ACCESSIBILITY – Cost $450,000
- Create a more inviting entrance that complies with accessibility code for new buildings. As well, create an entrance that communicates to our community that you are always welcome at Westheights.
- Improve safety and people flow by adding a wider stairwell, and new check-in area downstairs to reduce congestion as parents drop off their children on Sundays.
- Add a mechanical lift to ensure people with disabilities have the same access to the check-in area and lower areas as others, in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AOD).
- Provide the same opportunity to a local church in Nicaragua by allocating $30,000 over an additional three years for our short-term missions teams.
For us to accomplish the greaterthings 20/20 vision the entire congregation of Westheights must rally together in spirit and action. We recognize that a good plan is simply words on paper unless there is ownership among the community of our congregation. Our goals for this campaign are three-fold.
- We will be able to make a greater impact on our neighbourhood.
- We will experience a deeper sense of teamwork as we accomplish a large goal together.
- We will grow as individuals as we learn to sacrifice and give generously.
In the months ahead, Westheights will be working together to raise the funds for the greaterthings building campaign. The fundraising will begin in the Fall.
If you have any questions, contact Pastor Todd, Paul Hamel or a Church Board member (Doug Braun, Randy Buhrow, Heather Gallian, Paul Slater, Amy Terpstra, John van Dijk, David Wigg).
Be sure to visit the Greater Things website.