All Kids Club volunteers are required to attend a Kingdom Rock Volunteer Orientation Meeting on Sunday, June 23rd at 11:45am (immediately following the Sunday service) for approximately 45 minutes. This will be a great opportunity to connect with other volunteers and pick up some tips and new information about this year’s Kids Club.
Haven’t signed up to volunteer yet? Kingdom Rock, Westheights’ 2013 Kids Club, is just weeks away (July 8-12) and we still need lots of volunteers! No matter your skill set, there is a way for you to be involved. Visit the sign-up table in the foyer or go to to volunteer. Also, be sure to register your kids (Going into SK-Grade 6 in September 2013) to take part as soon as possible.
At Kingdom Rock kids will enter a majestic adventure that empowers them to stand strong. God’s victorious power isn’t a fairy tale—it changes kids forever. Get ready for an epic experience filled with music, fun, laughter and learning this summer. We hope you will be able to join us!