Looking for something to do this summer? Want to have a fun in the sun, hang out with your friends, and make some new pals? We’ve got some great events planned for Jr. and Sr. Highs (including those of you moving into Grade 6 and Grade 9 in the Fall).
Jr. High:
July 20th, 10AM-5PM // Jays Game
July 24th, 11AM-3PM // Beach Day*
Aug. 31st, 3-10PM // Drop-In House Party
Sr. High:
July 20th, 10AM-5PM // Jays Game
Aug. 9th, 8PM-Midnight // Drive-In Movie
Aug. 31st, 3-10PM // Drop-In House Party
*Please note: The Jr. High Beach Day has been moved from July 31st, to July 24th. Sorry for the inconvenience.