I had an early start to the day today. I only slept 1.5 hours during the night. I am sure glad I had my Kindle as I spent the whole night reading trying not to disturb my roommate. Despite the little amount of sleep I have gotten during the last four days I have felt fine during the day but I would still like to get into a good sleeping pattern.
Today was the third and final day of the Pastors Conference with the BIC church in Kenya held at the Oasis of Power Worship Centre Brethren in Christ Church. The pastor and his wife were wonderful hosts for the conference and they have some really beautiful children as you can see in the picture below. It was a great final day. I did the morning workshops while the rest of the Canadians and the Zambians went to visit an orphanage where MCC is doing some projects to help orphans. I agreed to stay behind and teach both mornings to allow the others to visit the school. A couple of funny things happened as a result but I will wait and share on Sunday morning. Not only did we spend the entire day with the BIC Kenyan pastors doing workshops, but we also had a a meeting with the Board of Directors for the Kenyan church to discuss the future of the Kenyan BIC church and its relationship to the BIC church around the world.
The food that they have served us is real African food provided by this wonderful woman (see pic). It included lots of rice and chicken and beef. In the evening we have been able to experience some new foods like ougali and chipati. They make tea which is more like a warm milk drink with a tea bag in it. It is delicious.
It was sad to see everyone packing up (see pic) but it was a pretty tiring three days so I am looking forward to a day of rest. Tomorrow we are going on a Safari so I will try and take some pictures.

Oasis of Power Worship Centre

The children of the pastor who hosted the conference.

Street vendor in Africa.

Our wonderful cook for the conference.

Traffic is crazy everywhere in Kenya.

Typical street corner in downturn Nakuru. Lots of people walking with bikes and motorcycles everywhere.

Hundreds and hundreds of kids walking home from school … All in various school informs.

The conference is ending and everything is wrapping up.