Jr. Highs are experts at having fun and the summer is one of the best times to do it! The beach is a great place to enjoy the weather, refresh with a quick dip, relax, and enjoy your friends. We’re convinced that having fun together is vital to understanding God, ourselves, and each other. Also, who doesn’t like building sand castles?
The Jr. Highs are having a Beach Day next Wednesday from 11AM until 3PM. Lunch is provided and all you have to pay is to get into the park. We’re spending the day at the Elora Quarry beach just outside of K/W. This event is open to anyone going into Grade 6 in the Fall up to students who just finished Grade 8 Please note that the beach is not patrolled or lifeguarded and you should let us know if your child isn’t a good swimmer.
Click here for information about the Quarry and here for directions. To get into the quarry is only $3! We’ll only be able to provide a limited amount of rides to the event, so please contact Tom ASAP if you need a ride. Better yet, makes some friends and go together!
Due to the weather-dependent nature of this event, we have a backup plan – mini-putt! If the forecast is looking exceptionally hot or rainy we’ll be moving the event to Max’s Golf Centre in St. Jacobs from 11AM-12PM. Watch your email and the blog next week if this looks possible. Hope to see you then!

Hopefully this kid won’t be there…