You Can Help…
We’re gearing up for Ride for Refuge — There are only eight more days until Ride Day!
If you’re not cycling on Ride Day, then here’s YOUR chance to support this great cause:
Sponsor some of our cyclists (more than one!)
Here’s the list of our 25 Ride for Refuge cyclists! Click a name to see their “Sponsor Me” web page where you can use your credit card or PayPal account to sponsor them. Any amount helps.
- Bacvar, Laura
- Bacvar, Vanessa
- Braun, Doug
- Braun, Joel
- Braun, Michelle
- Buhrow, Emma
- Buhrow, Randy
- Felder, Hudson
- Felder, Payton
- Felder, Roy
- Fenske, Tom
- Jantzi, Jason
- Kumornik, Brenda
- Kumornik, Chrissy
- Lester, Kim
- Lester, Todd
- Stirbit, Jakob
- Stirbit, Joshua
- Stirbit, Kyle
- Stirbit, Wendy
- Stirbit, Wesley
- Wigg, Alison
- Wigg, Melanie
- Wigg, James
- Wigg, Thomas
(The above links should open in a new window.)
Tax receipts are automatically generated by the website for any online donation amount. Or, if you donate by giving cash or cheque to the cyclist, then tax receipts are generated for any amount of $20 or more.
If you have any questions about sponsoring, please contact Doug Braun.
Thanks in advance for your generous contributions to this cause.
PS: It’s not too late to sign-up as a cyclist. We’ll generate an updated list of “sponsor me” pages if more riders sign-up!
PPS: Pssssst — Did you know that you can write a comment on any of the above “sponsor me” pages to encourage our cyclists! Scroll to the bottom of the page to add comments 🙂