Steve and Laura Bacvar share this encouraging story of how the Bacvar family came to Westheights Community Church.
“When we were looking for a church home in 2008, one of our priorities was to find a church that would minister not only to adults, but to see a value in our children. We believe that our children are gifts from God, and as we raise them in His word, and truth, we wanted them to also make connections with fellow believers in a church.
“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Mark 10:13). As we walked into the Westheights Kids area, we immediately felt the essence if this verse. I saw the passion in the teachers and leaders for helping even the littlest of children to find and follow Jesus. As we drove home that day, our children asked if we could go back to Westheights the following week. We knew in our hearts that God had brought us to the church that would minister to our family as a whole.
“As our children were ministered to and taught, they have now been given opportunities to invest themselves in serving within the church, volunteering in the same programs that touched their lives a few years ago. Investing in our children is an investment for the future of our church. I am so thankful that God brought us to this church and we look forward to the Greater Things He has planned for our family.”
Westheights Church is blessed to have the Bacvar family in our community. See how they have served in ministry!
- Ministering to our children through drama and teaching
- Ministering by creating greeting cards for people in special cirumstances in the KW area
- Ministering at Halloween for Hunger, collecting for Food Bank
- Ministering as Projection Technician at Sunday morning worship services and Christmas candlelight services