It has been an exciting fall! Your SK-Grade 5 kids have been honouring the King of Creation by recognizing the incredible partnership they have with Him as they follow Christ. They are God’s stewards—managers of the High King!—and never too young to serve Him faithfully.
We have been picturing what it looks like to be the best stewards we can be—caretakers of the Earth, of our world, of our time, of our talents and of our stuff! Today, we’re beginning to tackle the basics of money matters, as Jesus repeatedly suggested that the way we handle our money reflects what our hearts are really like…
And we need your help! We are embarking on a greaterthings project. Your child has been asked to:
1) discuss with you ways to earn money, either at home, or working for trusted friends or relatives;
2) develop with you a routine (or organize opportunities) to do chores to earn money;
3) use the money to purchase teddy puppet kits, for $3 each;
4) take the puppet kit home and WITH YOUR HELP add eyes, a nose, fabric or permanent marker designs, cloth or yarn accessories, etc. to finish and personalize it;
5) bring the puppet back to church, where we will do the final sew-up;
6) continue to work, buy, and make more puppets, as time allows.
Some children will be able to buy one puppet, but others may use their allowance, gifts from grandparents, as well as earned money to buy many more! The more the merrier! We’ll need to get started right away–kits will be available from Sunday, October 27–and will continue our project until Team Nicaragua leaves in the new year. They’ll take the puppets with them, and make sure that they’re given with our love to children in an outreach program or an orphanage.
For some, the concept of working to earn this treasure we call money is a new one. And “working at it with all our heart, as working for the Lord..” (Col. 3:23) is a challenge for all of us! SK-Grade 5 kids are also touching on such topics as saving, spending, generosity and sacrificial giving. Please encourage your child to work for the money (rather than providing a donation) and give him/her all the tools and opportunities needed for success!
Then take the time to put the kit together—instructions will be provided—and pray for the child who will receive your teddy! The money collected will be given to our greaterthings work in Nicaragua. What an opportunity for a double-give! A sacrificial give. Rather than working to purchase something for him/herself, your child can experience the joy of giving to both a child and a church in need.
Preschool-JKers are welcome to participate in this project as well—or to make donations with you towards our greaterthings work in Nicaragua.
Thanks so much for your support. Your enthusiasm for this project will inspire your child to be a cheerful, generous giver.