Hey there, Westheights!
You’ve probably heard about the Puppet Mania going on at On Your Mark! as the kids put their learning into action! Kids are learning to earn by working, as well as to save, spend, give–and even give sacrificially. It’s all in the time, effort and money that’s going into sending home-made puppets to Nicaragua.
We’re making kits for our kids, and are running out of buttons! If you happen to have a button collection and can spare pairs of 19mm (or slightly smaller or bigger) buttons, please send them our way. Lighter colours are better than greys or darks, as the puppets are dark grey teddies. And 2-holed buttons are best–easier for kids to tackle with their parents.
Thanks for pitching in to help with our contribution to greaterthings! If you have buttons to share, contact Char Neuman at kids@westheights.org