Join us on Thursday, December 19th, 2013 from 6:30-9:00 pm for a very special Christmas Party, Senior Highs! Get ready for a fun night of Christmas-themed games, snacks, and – best of all – time with your friends! Our King came to Earth to live among us, and we think that’s worth celebrating!
This year’s theme is “A Very Retro Christmas”. We encourage each of you to find an outfit or costume that reflects the days gone by… ideally the 50s or 60s. Wear some “vintage” thrift store shoes with your dress. Dress up as a character from an old Christmas movie. Raid your grandfather’s closet. Wear a hat! The idea is to have fun with it and not be boring. Let’s make some memories!
Once again we will be doing our $5 Gift Swap, but there’s a twist. Everyone is to bring a wrapped gift costing no more than $5, HOWEVER this year we ask that you try to find a gift that is bigger than a kleenex box. Get creative! Buy something from a thrift store (MCC’s Thrift on Kent is a great one, and every dollar you spend there goes to a great cause). You could even wrap up something you found in your house! (As long as your folks are okay with it, of course…) The item you bring could be WORTH more than $5, we just don’t want you to spend more than that.
This year we are also asking that each person brings (at least) one item for The Food Bank of Waterloo Region. Most needed items include peanut butter, beans in sauce, canned fish, canned fruit, and cold cereal.
Who? Westheights Senior Highs and their friends
Where? Westheights Community Church Office Complex (not the main building)
When? Thursday, December 19th 2013 from 6:30-9:00 pm
What to Bring? A donation for the Food Bank, a wrapped gift that is larger than a kleenex box and your fancy/retro outfit/costume
See you on the 19th!
A reminder that there is no Senior High on December 26th or January 2nd. After the Christmas Party on December 19th, we’ll see you again on January 9, 2014!