Parents and students, you may feel buried in paperwork. You’ve got forms for field trips, classes, medical stuff, applications, evaluations… We get it! But forms are a necessary part of life, and we’re going to ask you to fill out ONE MORE if you haven’t already.


In September we handed out a Contact Information and Authorization and Medical Consent form, and we need them turned in. If you haven’t already gotten us yours, please do so ASAP. FORMulate a plan to get it filled out and turned in. There’s no magic FORMula, but it has to be done. It may seem FORMidable, but we promise it’s not. It’s not just a FORMality, it’s important. 

Okay, okay. We’re done. 🙂 To download the Contact Information and Authorization and Medical Consent form, click the link below.

WS Contact Info, Authorization and Medical Consent–2013

Be… FORMtastic! (Sorry, we couldn’t help ourselves.)