Coffee Circle


Fasting is the most traditionally observed activity during the Lent season. Many people give up something for the 40 days of Lent, often something they usually find joy in. This is done not to punish themselves but to serve as a daily reminder of the great sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf. Fasting from food (and sometimes drink) is a practice that goes back thousands of years. The Israelites were instructed to give up food during times of mourning and repentance, as a means to humble themselves before God. It can be a very practical reminder of our limitations as humans, and our need for and dependence on God.



You have three options for how you can fast:

  1. Give up food. You can decide what would work best for you, but it is suggested if you haven’t done it before, to skip one meal a day for the six days. Take the time you would have spent on the meal to pray and read the Daily Scripture. Journal how the process is challenging you to depend on God.
  2.  Give up a specific food. If losing a meal would be unsafe or too difficult, give up a specific food you like, such as chocolate or coffee. Use your desire for this as a cue to pray and thank God for His power to sustain you, and to read the Daily Scripture.
  3. Give up something else of value. If you have a restricted diet or can’t otherwise give up food, find another activity or convenience you can give up (such as checking Facebook, watching TV, etc.) that you can cut out for the week. Use the times when you would do these activities to pray, reflect, and read new things, get informed on forskolin online, there are tons of new things to fill your mind with. the Daily Scripture.
  4. Note: If you have difficulty remembering to read the Daily Scripture, pick a specific time each day (e.g. 12:15-12:25 pm) to take 10 minutes to read them, reflecting on how they connect with your fast.


This week’s Scriptures are taken from the Book of Isaiah, a prophet who spoke of the coming Messiah who would save the people from their sin and called the nation to turn to God. Jesus frequently quoted Isaiah in reference to Himself.


Monday – Isaiah 25:1-5

Tuesday – Isaiah 49:8-11

Wednesday – Isaiah 51:5-11

Thursday – Isaiah 52:7-12

Friday – Isaiah 52:13-15

Saturday – Isaiah 54:4-10


Movie Day:

Movies at homeOne of the amazing things about modern life is that we don’t have to just imagine stories anymore – we can experience them through films! Movies have a powerful effect on us and can change how we see the world, if we’re willing. This Sabbath watch a movie you love – go all out! Make great snacks, invite friends, and really enjoy the time. Turn off your phone, email, etc. Have a discussion afterwards – or squeeze in another movie! As you watch, think of your life as a movie – what story is God telling through your life? Would you want to watch it?


Rearrange your living room for the “optimal movie experience”. Move chairs, your TV, whatever you need to in order to attain the perfect home theatre experience. Better yet – pack out the house and invite your whole neighbourhood or group of friends!

Movie Tips:

  • Try watching something from the AFI Top 100 Movie List (
  • If your family is only adults, try watching a movie aimed at young people.
  • Your local library is a great resource for free movies that you may not find in the store. Try a documentary or a mini-series for a change of pace.