We hope you will be able to join us on Sunday, June 1 at 6:00 pm at Westheights for important updates on the greaterthings building project.
We have been talking about, planning and preparing for our Greater Things vision for the past three years. We have had several meetings related to this project, but we have one more important meeting for the final approval to go forward. We encourage you to come out and learn about up-to-date information. Tenders have come in and costs have been higher than anticipated, but we are still on target thanks to your generous contributions.
Sometime in June, pending approval at our June 1st meeting, we will be relocating our church for about a four month period. We will be relocating to Victoria Hills Community Centre. By us leaving our church building, it allows the construction teams to work unfettered, have full access, and hopefully speed the project up.
We will need set-up and clean-up teams for our mobile church, as a result. Please consider this ministry as we’ll be needing a lot of help over that four-month period.
For more information about the greaterthings project, click here.