Sunday was a great day for parents, students, and youth workers alike to catch up and get ready for the school year. Our Parents’ Preview event was the best attended ever, which speaks to the passion and devotion our church community has for young people. We’re excited for what we think is going to be the best year ever at Westheights Students, and if you couldn’t make it on Sunday – we’re happy to fill you in on what you missed!
With our main facility at 82 Westheights Drive undergoing significant renovations, we’re having to be a bit flexible when it comes to our regularly scheduled programs. We’re anticipating that the renovations will be complete in mid-Novemeber 2014, and so these changes are only temporary. This means a few things:
Jr. High
Due to space constraints at Victoria Hills Community Centre, there will be no Jr. High programming on Sunday mornings until we return to the church building. However, we are adding custom crafted Jr. High Sermon Notes to help the students follow along with the sermon, as well as doubling the number of events we offer through to November. For the schedule of events, go to .
Once renovations at 82 Westheights have been completed, we will resume with our Sunday programming and meet in the portable student room.
Sr. High
Starting on Thursday, September 11th @ 6:30PM, Sr. Highs will be moving to a schedule alternating between Small Groups and Events roughly every other week. Small Groups will take place in separate locations for Girls and Guys, meeting in the homes of two of our youth leaders, the Fenskes (Girls) and the Nobles (Guys). Their address and contact information are listed below. We’ve also increased the frequency of our events for the Sr. Highs as well, so you’ll never feel like it’s been too long since you’ve seen everyone. For Sr. High events, go to
Once renovations at 82 Westheights have been completed, we will resume with our regular Thursday night programming but will be meeting in a brand new space! We will be gathering downstairs in the main facility, in the room-with-no-name (name yet to be determined).
Parental and Family Support

Al Harder
We see our mission and focus is to support families (and especially parents) strengthen their influence with their young people. This year we’re blessed to have Al Harder volunteering as a Family Supporter, who can meet with parents for guidance and advice. Al has 20 years of youth ministry experience and, more importantly, 20 years of parenting experience with two daughters so he’s got lots of experiences to share with you.
Al will also be providing three resourcing conversations with parents throughout the school year (likely in November, March & May), as well as getting to know the kids as an event leader with both Jr. and Sr. High.
Contact & Waiver Forms
We’re turning to bribery – if we receive all the students’ Program Waiver and Medical forms into the office by Tuesday, September 30th, 2014 all the Jr. and Sr. High student will get doughnuts! You can download both forms below – remember they’re double-sided so don’t forget to flip it over. Please hand in original copies of the forms to the Westheights Office as soon as you can.
2014 Student Forms
**Please note that these forms only cover regular programs, and beginning this year we’ll be requiring event specific forms for all off-site events and retreats.