If you have been around Westheights Church for any length of time you know that we consider the House Church ministry to be vitally important to the health of our congregation. House Church is where you will experience the best part of Westheights – the amazing people. House Church provides a place to experience Christian community. Community is a core part of our theology in the anabaptist church and I have not found a better way to experience community than in a home with a smaller group of Christians. Sundays are great but House Church is an opportunity to build meaningful relationships that will support you through life’s up and downs.
For that reason I am very excited to announce that we have a new House Church Director who is passionate about the ministry and the theology of Christian community. Terry Kreutzkamp has agreed to take on a staff role of overseeing the House Church ministry. Terry is a recently retired school teacher who you likely know as one of our worship leaders. Beth, his wife, has been a deacon in recent years and both Terry and Beth are also involved in the children’s ministry. But they are also passionate about House Church, sometimes even attending two different groups.
If you are a House Church leader, you have already heard from Terry and you can sense his excitement for this vital ministry area. I am personally excited that we have a leader, who has the time and passion, to bring new ideas and direction to a ministry I consider so important.
– Todd