The Chapelaires quartet will be in concert on Saturday, Dec 13, at Northside Baptist Church performing a Christmas-themed program. If you enjoy Southern gospel music, come to this free-will concert. The message of their songs always focuses on the fact that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and through Him we can find Forgiveness, Hope and Strength for whatever we face in this life.
All money raised above expenses will go to Christian Horizons Global’s Special Needs Education Program which provides teacher’s training, materials and expert resources to allow for participation and integration of special needs students in classrooms in hard-to-reach and marginalized communities. You can make your cheques payable to CH Global for tax receipts.
Where: Northside Baptist Church, 1373 Lobsinger Line, Waterloo, ON
When: Saturday, December 13, 2014, at 7:00 pm
Cost: Free-will offering