It has been great to be here in Nicaragua with the Westheights team. There are only six of us from Canada but it has been a real blessing to work and minister together with our Nicaraguan church family. It feels like each person contributes a little and that is multiplied 100x as we combine our efforts together.
Melanie mentioned in an earlier post she would let me tell you more about the children’s ministry we have been having in a number of rural Brethren in Christ (BIC) churches. It really is exciting and at times a little overwhelming as we pull up to a church and see all the children that are already gathered waiting for us. It had been estimated that about 30 children would be participating at each church but our average has been more like 50. This is great and as time has passed the team has been perfecting how we work through the children’s program we have planned. Our translators, Elsie and Fabiola, do an amazing job teaching the story and leading the craft as well as helping Melanie lead singing. Todd, Trevor, Karl, Thomas and I are there ready to give a helping hand as needed.
- Finished craft
- Favi giving instructions to the kids
- La Sabinatas Church Kids Program
- La Sabinitas Church
Our theme and the story we have been focusing on with the children has been “Jesus calms the storm”. It has been fun to build all our activities around this theme and work to reinforce to the children that no matter what difficulties, scary or hard experiences they may encounter Jesus is with them and has the power to calm the storms in their lives just as He calmed the storm that the disciples faced. It is our hope and prayer this message also serves to encourage the parents that have attended with their children.
Thank you for your ongoing prayers and please continue to pray as we finish up this week with the children. Pray both children and parents would be encouraged from hearing about Jesus’ power to calm the storms in all our lives.
- Karl mixing cement
- Framing up the shed
- Framing up the shed
- Plantain tree