Sunday, April 26th is fast approaching! And Westheights Students/Kids (SK-Grade 5) have been wow-ing us leaders with their reader’s theatre, dance, singing, creative movement, hand bell and percussion play…
You guessed it! They’re preparing to lead another worship service next door at Forest Heights Long Term Care Centre.
Talk about a hard-working bunch. Prepping diligently, and praying that residents and their families would find God’s strength and rest throughout the service.
A huge thanks to Moms, Dads and grandparents for shuttling to all the necessary rehearsals. Pray for your students and kids, that they themselves would experience God’s incredible strength in their own weakness, even as they bring this message to the residents!
Parents of participants, be sure to read through the Final Instructions below. See you Sunday, April 26 at ~9:20am for our final run-through. Note that there are two sets of instructions: one for SK-Grade 5 kids; the other for the Jr and Sr Highs.