It’s  prime time to fire up the barbecues for tasty meals for family and friends. Westheights Church is planning to sell the popular Elmira Chicken boxed meats again this year as well as holding a fundraising barbecue of some of their products after the Sunday worship service on May 24th. All the funds we receive from these two events will go toward supporting the Short Term Mission project in February 2016.

Plan now for your upcoming barbecue season. The Elmira Chicken products, as you know, are tasty and top notch quality. Look for an order form at the foyer display, in your mail file, or download by clicking here. Return your completed order form and payment (cheque payable to “Westheights Community Church”) to the foyer display table by Sunday, May 24th.

Pick up your order on Sunday, June 7th at 11:30 a.m. Please ensure you can pick up your order on June 7th as we have no capacity to store frozen food; alternatively, ask a friend to pick up your order.

Happy barbecuing, 

Karl Cober, Westheights Missions Committee



chicken for missions poster