Well, we’re in our last month of summer – but we’re not done yet. So we’re going to finish the summer off with a ball – a cannonball!

Our third and final Pool Party is next Wednesday August 12th from 6-8PM, and is for everyone either entering Grade 6 in the Fall, up to recent graduates from high school. This event is free, but we’d love for you to bring a snack to share.

(Could someone PLEASE bring some vegetable this time!? –  Love, the Leaders)

If you know someone who would love to hang out with our group – we’d love to meet them. Feel free to invite your friends!

Thanks to our hosts the Moosers for opening up their home to us! Their address information is below. If you have any questions about the party, email or call Tom (tomfenske@westheights.org, 519 741 1986 ex. 804)
