What better excuse to sing “On Top of Spaghetti” than at Brenda Kumornik’s Spaghetti Fundraiser on Saturday, October 3. For just $15 you will enjoy a delicious spaghetti & meatball meal, including a dinner roll and beverage, not to mention impeccable Italian service (however you want to interpret that).

Date & Times: 11am-2pm, or 4-7pm on Saturday, October 3

Place: 200 Elm Ridge Drive, Unit 1 – parking available on Elm Ridge Drive

Why: All proceeds will go toward Brenda’s short-term mission trip to Guatemala in 2016.

Tickets: Please purchase tickets from Brenda directly; connect with her on a Sunday morning. Drop-ins welcome also, but pre-purchase is  appreciated so she can prepare enough food.

Prepare: Sing along with this video in preparation!