Invitation to Men In Motion’s breakfast on Saturday, October 24, 2015.

Men In Motion is a KW-based ministry aimed toward sharing the Good News with men in the K-W area. They reach men through a non-threatening environment of food and fellowship, i.e. men’s breakfasts.

Their next breakfast is on Saturday, October 24, at 8:00 am. Men, invite a friend or family member to Angie’s Kitchen (Erb Street, St Agatha) for a fabulous breakfast, friendly conversation, and to hear guest speaker, Rick Osborne.

Rick Osborne’s life has been an incredible journey from outlaw biker, drug dealer, street fighter and convicted felon, to being mightily used of God now as he speaks to teens about drugs and gang violence, bullying and where to find help! Come and hear how Rick’s life was transformed and his great message of hope for everyone.

Full breakfast (including tax and gratuity) is only $10. For tickets, contact David Illman