If you’re feeling the cold during this season, then Westheights has the perfect remedy: the warmth of a House Church!
We have groups meeting every day of the week, including a book club, groups for men, women, couples and families. Check out the attached brochure (download here) to find out more about each of our House Churches, including details about when they meet and who to contact.
Feel free to check out a group once, with no obligation to join. Each group has its own unique personality, of course, so it sometimes takes a few visits to find the right fit. You’ll find that all of our House Churches are warm, inviting places to build encouraging relationships and to grow in your faith.
If you’d like to join a group for a short study, our Tuesday night Patricia Ave. House Church is doing a 4 week series on homosexuality called “Love is an Orientation” beginning on February 16th.
We’re excited that about 120 people participate in House Churches at Westheights. If you’re not part of that number then please consider joining in with this growing ministry.
If you have any questions or would like more information please contact me at the church or by email at terrykreutzkamp@westheights.org