International Day of Peace is on Wednesday September 21st and we’re inviting all peace lovers to show their commitment to peace by flashing a peace sign, taking a photograph and posting it on social media with the hash tag #FlashItForPeace.
Last year over 1/2 million impressions were created worldwide in support of this PeaceWorks online event, and this year we can help make an even BIGGER impact! Join with us (and others all over the planet) on this one amazing day, and FLASH IT FOR PEACE!
Actor/singer/dancer Cynthia Dale invites everyone to join us on September 21st and Give Peace a Chance!
PeaceWorks’ mission is to empower student peacemakers. For more information, go to the PeaceWorks website:
Use the PEACEWORKS promo code when ordering amazing Trade Trade products online from Ten Thousand Villages Canada and a portion of the sale goes to support their peace work! Visit: